Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Good Times...

The best feeling is when your child shows you that they love you..with a hug that isn't asked for, or a smile that isn't prompted. It can make you feel like you are the best mom in the world.

Austin has been laughing a ton when mommy tickles his tummy or behind his ears. He is growing to be so long..he is almost out of the infant carrier at 3 months old! I have really been enjoying moments with him throughout the day. I love to cuddle with him, and tell him I love him and watch him smile. He is mesmerized by the TV..I think he likes to watch the movement. I am pretty sure he cant' see that far, nor in color yet. I can say now that I am enjoying breastfeeding so much more. It is so nice to have a baby that desires to nurse...I am learning to treasure the breastfeeding moments.

Kristen and I really played together today. Some days I feel like I don't get down on the floor much with her and play. So today that is all I did, while the dishes piled up and everyting else I needed to get done. But I have to say I feel so much more accomplished by spending quality time with her more so than getting the dishes done. We built blocks, played chase and just had a good time!

Being a mom is so rewarding...

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I love this! I cannot wait to feel that rewarding feeling of being a mom! YOu're great!